* Martin Maier, Minoo Soltanshahi and Nika Hosseini
Optical Zeitgeist Laboratory, INRS, Montreal, QC, H5A 1K6 Canada
Received: 30 April 2023 Accepted: 30 June 2023 Published: 11 September 2023
Abstract: For all the fascination with the Metaverse, the term has currently no consensus definition or consistent description. Most industry leaders define it in the manner that fits their own worldviews and/or the capabilities of their companies. Some argue that it is perhaps from the original vision and origins of the Metaverse where we find the best insight into what the eventual Metaverse might look like. Towards this end, this paper reviews the original vision and origins of the Metaverse, including its wide ranging and somewhat surprising elements. To set the stage, we first review the 6G vision and then introduce Society 5.0 as the meta narrative for naturally embedding the Metaverse, given that the Metaverse and Society 5.0 bear striking similarities. We expand on the central role of cyber-physical-social systems (CPSS) in the emerging Metaverse for integrating human, artificial, natural, and organizational intelligence with the help of digital twins and Web3 blockchain technologies. Specifically, we propose a future stigmergy enhanced Society 5.0 based on a blockchain-enabled CPSS, explore the benefits of blockchainizing gamified experiences, and point to awe-inspiring VR/AR/XR experiences that are at once brand new and very ancient, just like the original Metaverse vision itself.
Keywords: 6G, Blockchain, Collective intelligence, Cyber-physical-social systems (CPSS), Metaverse, Next G, Society 5.0, Stigmergy, Tokenomics, Web3.
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